I was born queer, mildly autistic and afflicted by multiple autoimmune conditions. I started "Vulnerable Valiance" project during suicide prevention month. It is dedicated to all those who have lost the ability to express themselves due to prejudices and stigma associated with difference.
Handmade photographic prints (pigment lift transfers to washi paper) that form this body of work invite appreciation of the imperfect beauty of being alive.
"Vulnerable Valiance" series was born after years of photography practice, meditation and the wabi-sabi lifestyle.
The images in this project are like visual haiku poems. They are open to multiple interpretations. I invite people to pause, to find beauty in things imperfect and incomplete, and to appreciate the fleeting beauty of here and now.
Difference is often not treated kindly. I create with the aim to change that. I am inspired by the philosophical ideas of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari expressed in "A Thousand Plateaus": becoming is never a majoritarian it is always minoritarian.
Upcoming exhibitions and publications:
“Shapes” exhibition at the PH21 Photography Gallery curated by Zsolt Bátori and Borbála Jász
The Hand magazine, issue #46, 2024 edited by Adam Finkelston and James Meara
Minimal issue of F-Stop Magazine, 2024 edited by Christy Karpinski
APA NY, Soho Photo Gallery exhibition, 2024 curated by Michael Foley Artist Feature invited by Sandrine Hermand-Grisel, 2024 link